Thursday, February 24, 2011

Blogger posing as GOP donor dupes Wisconsin governor

MADISON, Wis. • Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker, believing he was talking to prominent financial backer David Koch, revealed to a Buffalo, N.Y., blogger on Tuesday his strategies to deal with public-sector unions and to lure Democrats boycotting the Senate back to Wisconsin.

In the 20-minute talk, he also likened his tough stance to take away most bargaining rights from public workers to former President Ronald Reagan successfully combating the air traffic controllers union three decades ago. "That was the first crack in the Berlin Wall in the fall of Communism, because from that point forward, the Soviets and the Communists knew that Ronald Reagan wasn't a pushover," Walker said according to the recording.

In a news conference on Wednesday, Walker said his remarks to the prank caller jibed with his public remarks.

Critics seized on the remarks made by Walker in the call, saying they showed his proposed rollback of public worker bargaining rights was aimed at killing the unions.

After Walker spoke, state Rep. Brett Hulsey, D-Madison, crashed the news conference. Walker's staff opened the doors to the room, so chants and drumming by protesters poured in the room and nearly drowned out Hulsey.

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