Wednesday, February 2, 2011

"Blue" Now De-Iced

My car, appropriately AF Blue in color, has now been made driveable. Drivers side door, trunk, windshield, back window, and air vents are all clear. Wiper blades have been cleaned, and are up, preventing a freeze up (the bases to the motors also cleared). Engine started fine, and run for a half-hour.

Mobility again.

This needed to be done before the sub-zero (F) cold sets in tonight. Likely, our CEO Of Death will call us in tomorrow.

The porch steps have been cleared as best I can (not very well). If there is one thing I forgot, it was snow melt. Still, they are useable.

There is at least a 1/8 inch coating of ice on all wires and branches, at minimum. Without sustained high temps, unlikely for the next 72 hours, these will continue to be risks to the power supply.


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