Sunday, November 27, 2011

Observations 27 NOV 2011

"Well, I guess you had to be there"

I've just looked at the hundreds of items I have mailed to myself. From an archival point of view, it's a capture of what has been going on, in my worldview. But, unless I post a continuous feed of what is happening, it's mostly useless to share it. Old news, et al.

Social media is corrupting almost everything, and I'm facing up to the fact that I'm just not quite up to being a full-time analyst of the world situation. I have a Real Life (tm), and a job. I'm not made to be plugged in at all times.

Example: Google+.

I was invited to join by a friend (and did), but I cannot think of anything to post in near real-time that wouldn't get me lynched, fired, or both. Plus I'm someone born in the Eisenhower Administration. I enjoy talking by phone, or, better, meeting others in person. That's my social medium.

It was a bad week for most of my co-workers. Holidays can be hell, especially with families. I rested up, studied a little, and began upgrading my computer systems and network to reach Win 7 compliance. This means I have to be Super-Librarian about my records.

Speaking of which, I visited the Doggie Library. Budget cuts had decimated the shelves. Another piece of the social contract being ignored, another decline in society. All due to the economy.

Oh. I challenged my CIO to play poker with me at the annual holiday party. For some reason, he refused... :)

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Notable Quote

This is an open title for quotes heard in passing.

Note: sorry I have not been updating lately; I'm taking an *intense* IT class.

Here's the quote:

"Just because you're a nihlist, doesn't mean you can't also be a hypocrite".