Sunday, August 29, 2021

Observations Sunday 29 AUG 2021

It's been over a year since I last posted. Somehow, Google has not yet killed this service off. Outside, I observed the thunderstorms building all around my location. It's refreshing to get out again, after a year of confinement. The city has an unofficial "park", that is really a median on River Des Peres Blvd, and it's a great place to observe from, and walk around. Except for the Formula One track all around it... This August is a natural break point for me. Next month, I begin collecting my Social Security. An obvious time to reflect. I'm taking it early for many reasons, not the least of which is desperation. The whole world of employment has blown up, and this gives me the oportunity to work part-time, instead of betting on a series of full-time gigs. IT has become a nasty world, and I'm not sorry to be leaving the industry behind. Now that I am officially old, it's also easier to let things go. I'm starting to clear out the junk of a lifetime. The objective is to take something out every time I go out. Not just the physical junk. Life is also much more *local*. I only drive when I need to. There is a dollar store, a grocery store, and the post office, within walking distance. After the lost year, it's nice to get out again. Unfortunately, it's getting old that sucks. Can't put a lost year into a single blog post. I'll try again with another one.