Friday, September 9, 2011

Obama's Biggest Mistake

With all the silliness that has transpired during his Presidency, people forgot that his biggest mistake was made before Election Day:

He wanted to be President after George W. Bush.

Now, there is transformation you can believe in. The consequences are locked-in.

Now, there are people who want to run for President against Obama. Obviously, the smartest GOP candidate is Mike Huckabee, who is sitting this out.

Rick Perry wants to be the third Bad President From Texas (LBJ, Bush the Younger).

If he succeeds, there won't be another President from Texas for centuries. He failed to ask himself if he wanted to be President after Bush *and* Obama.

The most important move in poker, is if you want to really sit down at *that* table. (Pre-flop decision is next).

The dog and I plan to nap through the election frenzy. We already know how the movie ends, regardless of who is cast in the lead role.

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