Monday, January 24, 2011

My Higher Power At Work- Defect Removal!

Ahhhh, freedom at last.

My Higher Power has removed one of my defects: I've been banned from the political board.

One of my adversaries dumped on one of the other posters, who has a non-treatable medical condition. The debate was over healthcare, of course, and my adversary basically condemned the other poster to an ice floe. "Are there no poorhouses"? "Decrease the surplus population!" That was the attitude my adversary took.

Needless to say, my adversary is to the right of Ayn Rand. My IFF showed "hostile". Fox 1! Hit! Took it in the snoot.

Unfortunately, the webmaster has the ultimate Golden BB. No need to ask who, or why.

And so, yet another one of my obsessions dies. No need anymore to inform the board of what I've discovered in the way of intel, and I no longer need to be co-dependent in trying to "fix" them.

Now, I can be properly ignored, as yet another looney with a blog. Huzzah!

Any members of the board who wish to contact me are free to do so, or post on my (moderated) blog. Only one place needed now to post my discoveries and ravings. No need to post twice, anymore.

I'll be trying to review any data that may not have been posted here, that is still on the board, in the way of news articles, etc. No need to re-live the flamewars.

Dr. Who Bad Girl, thou art gone!



Pat Mathews said...

Don't worry, Wally. I've had your blog bookmarked since when Max was alive. C. banished you and not Her Majesty? That's a switch! And I'm sorry to hear it, but I'll still read you.

Pat (The Grey Badger).

Wally said...

Thank you, Pat.

Let everyone know where I'm at...ABS65 wanted doggie advice.

Pat said...

PM'd as of this moment. I notice I'm not seeing Her Majesty anywhere on the forum today either. Think is was bilateral? As in "you kids stop fighting?"

Wally said...

Unknown. It's a blessing in disguise, in any case.

Thanks for PM'ing. You might prod Craig to announce my banning, as my PM/contact with him is inoperative at this time.



Pinku-Sensei said...

Hey, Wally, it's "The Pervert" from T4T here. Sorry to read that you were banned, but glad to have found your blog. I have a Blogspot, too. It's Crazy Eddie's Motie News, a Detroit sustainability blog with a science fiction slant. I've subscribed to your blog and hope you follow mine, too.