Sunday, November 16, 2008

My Generational Crime

I must now confess my heinous generational crime:

I was old enough to remember Kennedy's assassination, and young enough to miss Viet Nam.

This makes me a subset of the Baby Boomers called "Generation Jones". Since I went through the 70's as a teen, the economy crimped my employment chances. So I went into military service as an enlisted man. During my time, which ended Honorably (with all the right boxes checked off on my DD 214), I only experienced the ordinary close calls of military aviation. I saw no action, and never fired a weapon in anger (lots in practice).

I have now discovered that this is a sin without redemption. I am not a Holy Martyr of the Generation X Military Experience.

Worse than that, I am a conservative troubled by what has happened with our country for the last eight years.

This makes me less than dust, for Gen X warriors.

The Millenial/Gen Y warriors and I get along fine. I'm just a doddering old man, mostly harmless, and funny to boot. Occasionally, I'm even useful to them.

But for the X'rs I'm evil incarnate. How *dare* I question them?

Guess I'll just have to go to my grave, having predicted things right, and calling X'rs out on being wrong. Especially if they are reactionary idiots, who are intent on destroying conservatism as well as the military.

Words cannot express my sorrow. and regret. :)

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